The latest Japan Tourism Agency’s survey on overseas travel by Japanese Generation Z finds that more than 90% of those who have experienced overseas travels say that they want to go overseas within this year, while many of those ate concerned about security in destinations.
Overall, the combined ratio of ‘I want to go overseas or intend to do so (19.7%)’ and ‘I want to go overseas but I cannot do so with concerns about security (23.0%)’ is more than 40%. As far as overseas travel experienced Generation Z is concerned, the ratios are 55.8% for ‘I want to go overseas or intend to do so’ and 35.1% for ‘I want to go overseas but I cannot do so with concerns about security.’
The most-focused point to choose a destination is ‘security’ with 73%, much higher than 59.5% for travel expenses.’
The top three popular destinations are Hawaii (30.0%), France (26.0%) and Taiwan (22.0%) among males and South Korea (36.5%), France (33.5%) and Italy (30.5%) among females.
Also, the survey finds that about 90% want to have free time in a tour, and about 80% say that they want to have half a day or longer for free time. On the contrary, more than 70% say that they are worried about free time, and the most-answered reason is ‘language barrier (66.1%),’ followed by ‘handling in a trouble or disaster (63%).’