The latest Japan Tourism Marketing’s survey on travel and lifestyle of seniors finds that the most answers for what to spend money and time in the future among baby boomer generations (66 to 77 years old) and older generations (71 to 79 years old) were ‘Overnight traveling with family (30.9%),’ followed by ‘Daytrip with family (20.7%)’ and ‘Saving or investment (19.7%).’
In contrast, major reasons for reduction of travel frequency were ‘no enough money (54.5%),’ ‘no travel companion (13.2%)’ and ‘too lazy to plan a travel (11.3%).’ Also, the ratio of anxiety about health in traveling, such as suffering from traveling for a long time, was high.
The table below shows reasons for reduction of travel frequency:

For a question of travel style, ‘traveling to an unknown place’ was the top among female baby boomers (72.1%), while ‘traveling to a favorite place or an emotionally attached place repeatedly’ and ‘touring memorable places’ are popular among male baby boomers. Among 71 to 79 years old respondents, ‘traveling for health’ was preferred at a high rate.
The survey focused on seniors after researching 3,610 20 to 70 years old residents in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, who had experienced overnight travels within the last year.
In Japanese