The Japanese government has decided to clarify roles of local DMO and Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) as NTO (national tourism organization) for the inbound tourism policy to achieve the government’s goal of 60 million international visitors.
According to the government’s basic economic policy, DMO is dedicated to a role of developing local tourism resources, while JNTO plays a role to integrate and deliver tourist information from DMOs nationwide to the world. To consolidate the scheme, the government is focusing on consultation to local governments with digital technologies.
Toward Society 5.0 to solve social issues and to enrich life and economy with advanced technologies, the government is developing the cashless payment system and MaaS for international visitors to enjoy traveling in Japan.
Also, the government is trying to start 5G service throughout Japan by the end of FY2020 to achieve Society 5.0 and the smart city concept.
At the same time, the basic policy contains development laws or guidelines for more transparent and fair digital trade, for which the government plans to legislate ‘Digital Platform Transparent Trade Law’ in the Diet in 2020.