Niigata, Toyama and Fukui Prefectures have decided to receive bookings for financial aid package, which encourages people to travel in the earthquake-hit regions for leisure, on March 8 2024. Ishikawa Prefecture does not decide it yet because many accommodations are still used as the secondary shelters for victims.
The package will be applicable to travel from March 16, the opening date of the Hokuriku Shinkansen route between Kanazawa and Tsuruga, to April 26. It can be used by international visitors as well, but excludes business travel.
For the package, the Japanese government subsides up to 50% of travel cost a night a traveler. The limited amounts are 20,000 JPY for a one-night tour, 30,000 JPY for a two-nights or longer tour and 35,000 JPY for a tour staying in two or more prefectures.
For catastrophic Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, a more generous aid program will be considered.