ANA Holdings considerably increased operating revenue for FY2023 ended March 31 2024 to 2,056 billion yen from 1707 billion yen a year ago because of strong air travel demand after the pandemic. International passenger service revenue was up 68% year on year to 728.1 billion yen mainly because of stronger inbound travel demand, surpassing domestic passenger service revenue of 644.9 billion yen for the first time.
Cost management efforts enabled ANA to post record-high operating income of 208 billion yen, more than 120 billion yen a year ago, and the operating profit margin exceeded 10% for the first time.
Ordinary income increased from 112 billion yen a year ago to 208 billion yen, and net income was also up from 89 billion yen to 157 billion yen.
Air transportation revenue increased from 1539 billion yen a year ago to 1865 billion yen, as ANA carried 7.13 million international passengers, 69.4% more than a year ago, and 40.8 million domestic flight passengers, 18% more than a year ago, through FY2023.
Peach Aviation, a LCC of ANA Group, increased passengers by 20.2% to 9.34 million and passenger revenue by 52.9% to 138 billion yen, as it carried more inbound travelers on international flights and more leisure travelers on domestic flights.
Record-high revenue is forecasted for FY2024
For FY2024 ended March 31 2025, ANA has forecasted record-high revenue of 2,190 billion yen as a whole, expecting to add 25.8 billion yen for international passenger service, 24 billion yen for domestic passenger service and 28.4 billion yen for international cargo service.
On the other hand, operating expenses are forecasted to increase by 171.9 billion yen due to an increase in costs linked to the scale of operations, as well as a decrease in various tax exemptions and government subsidies, increased maintenance work and investment in human resources.
Accordingly, ANA has forecasted to decrease operating income from 208 billion yen to 170 billion yen, ordinary income from 208 billion yen to 160 billion yen and net income from 157 billion yen to 110 billion yen.