JTB Tourism Research & Consulting recently conducted awareness survey on shopping behaviors of 1,000 Chinese who have plans to visit Japan after shopping sprees by Chinese travelers in Japan seemed to end.
Regarding online shopping, the ratio of answers of ‘more opportunities to buy foreign products online than before’ reached 50.1%. Also, the ratio of answers of ‘want to go to a duty-free shop exclusively for returners from overseas travels in Shanghai’ was 27.9%. More than 10% answered ‘shopping in foreign countries reduce or reduced because foreign products can reasonably be bought online (13.2%)’ or ‘no need to travel overseas because foreign products can reasonably be bought online (10.7%).’ The results show that online shopping influences not only shopping behaviors in traveling but also motivation to travel.
The table below shows Chinese online shopping behaviors ordinarily:

Regarding awareness about the current life by region, 44% of the total answered more income than a year ago. The ratios of answers of intention to buy wants even by cutting household costs were 36% in coast regions (Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Dalian and Shenyang) and 24% in interior regions (Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Xian, Hefei and Zhengzhou).
Many answers of ‘rise of price,’ ‘reduction of bonus’ and ‘hesitation in buying luxury products’ were found in coast regions. Also, the ratio of answers of ‘intension to increase investment to real estates or stocks’ was higher in coast regions than in interior regions.
The table below shows awareness about the current life by region:

The top personal product to buy in Japan was snacks (49.9%), followed by cosmetics, clothes/bags/ watches and home electronics. Home electronics were chosen by 50% or more of travel experiences to Japan from coast regions, but the ratio in interior regions or among travel inexperience to Japan was lower.
The survey targeted 1,000 Chinese who have plans to travel to Japan within the next three years after the screening survey to 1,969 male and female Chinese in the period from September 9 to 14 2016. An average household income was 120,000 Yuan (about 2.4 million JPY) or more.
In Japanese