Japanese travelers to all of Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong reduced year on year in the calendar year of 2015, based on official statistics data released by each of the authorities. Japanese travelers to Taiwan reduced by 0.5% to 1,627,200 in contrast with the yearly growth of 15% in 2014, and also those to Hong Kong reduced by 2.7% to 1,049,300 although the yearly growth rate in 2014 was 2.1%. China and Korea each reduced Japanese visitors by 8.1% to 2,497,700 and by 19.4% to 1,837,800 in 2015.
The table below shows changes of Japanese travelers to the four East Asia markets in the past decade:

In December 2015 only, Japanese travelers to Taiwan were up 12.1% to 169,400, marking the first double-digit growth in 2015, and also those to Hong Kong were up 9.1% to 100,800. In contrast, Korea reduced Japanese visitors by 6.2% to 159,900, and China by 22.1% to 206,200, which represented the first double-digit reduction since February 2015.
The table below shows monthly results in 2015: