Japan Tourism Agency announced that domestic travel consumption by Japanese travelers was up 80.1% year on year to 1.8 trillion JPY in the second quarter of 2020. Compared to two years ago, the quartely result was still down 69.8%.
The total comprised 1.3 trillion JPY for overnight trips (up 90.7% over a year ago or down 71.9% over two years ago) and 531 billion JPY for single-day trips (up 58.8% over a year ago or down 63.2% over two years ago).
The total number of Japanese domestic travelers was up 92.7% to 63 million (down 61.5% over two years ago), which were broken down into 31 million overnight travelers (up 92.7% over a year ago or down 61.5% over two years ago) and 32 million single-day travelers (up 2.9% over a year ago or down 8.4% over two years ago).
Travel expenditure a traveler a trip was up 5.3% to 28,666 JPY (down 21.5% over two years ago): 41,542 JPY for overnight trip and 16,414 JPY for single-day trip.