Japan Tourism Agency announced that domestic travel consumption by Japanese travelers was down 46.5% year on year to 2,694 billion JPY in the fourth quarter of 2020 (October to December 2020), which comprised 2,203 billion JPY for overnight trips (-43.8%) and 490 billion JPY for single-day trips (-55.9%).
The yearly total accordingly decreased by 54.9% to 9,898 billion JPY, notably influenced by the pandemic, which consisted of 7,739 billion JPY for overnight trips (-54.9%) and 2,159 billion JPY for single-day trips (-54.8%).
The total number of Japanese domestic travelers was also down 42.8% to 76 million in the fourth quarter , which were broken down into 45.8 million overnight travelers (-33.5%) and 30 million single-day travelers (-52.7%). The yearly total was down 50.3% to 292 million, comprising 160 million overnight travelers (-48.5%) and 131 million single-day travelers (-52.3%).
Travel expenditure was down 9.2% to 33,925 JPY a traveler a trip in 2020: 48,263 JPY for overnight trip (-12.3%) and 16,428 JPY for single-day trip (-5.2%).