H.I.S., a Japan’s leading travel company, will start providing its contracted lodgings in Japan with Direct Reservation System (DRS) in September 2017. The direct booking service is offered by H.I.S. under a capital partnership with SYS, which is a direct booking system provider.
H.I.S. has recently been strengthening its hotel business including expansion of its own properties. SYS said that the partnership results from a business match between the SYS strategy for direct booking support and the H.I.S. future idea to outgrow a conventional travel company model.
Even though the capital partnership was signed, SYS will keep its independent management because H.I.S. puts priority on unchanged reliable relationships with its contracted lodgings.
Established in 1999, SYS is an online booking developer for hotels and released yoyoQ.com, a last-minute booking site for luxury hotels in May 2001. DRS is a booking system for a hotel to sell its inventory on sales partners’ sites, like travel media with a lot of visitors, which is expected to help a hotel cut commission on OTA.