Both JAL and ANA increased international flight passengers in the 2015-2016 New Year holiday period (December 25 2015 to January 3 2016), however they struggled with large reduction of passengers on Europe routes. In the domestic flight market, JAL increased passengers while it reduced available seats, and ANA resulted in slight reduction of passengers.
JAL carried 269,336 passengers (+4.3%) on international flights, providing 313,524 seats (+2.5%), and the load factor was 85.9%, 1.4 higher points than a year earlier. Passengers increased on transpacific, Southeast Asia, Oceania, China, Hawaii and Guam routes, and the load factors on Southeast Asia, Oceania, Korea and Guam exceeded 90%. Although JAL increased available seats on Europe routes by 5.6%, it reduced passengers by 2.2%, and the load factor was 79.6%. The busiest days for departures from Japan and arrivals in Japan each was December 26 with the load factor of 92.5% and January 3 with the load factor of 94.6%.
On the domestic routes, JAL Group airlines carried 999,413 passengers in total (+1.4%), providing 1,309,721 seats (-3.1%), and the load factor was 76.3%, 3.4 higher points than a year earlier. Passengers on Hokkaido, Chugoku/Shikoku and Kyushu routes increased, and the highest load factor was found on Kansai routes with 87.1%. The busiest days for down-flights and up-flights each was December 29 with the load factor of 95.5% and January 3 with the load factor of 96.0%.
ANA carried 252,214 passengers (+10.2%) on international flights, providing 317,540 seats (+13.4%), and the load factor was 76.3%, 3.4 higher points than a year earlier. In the same manner as JAL, ANA reduced passengers on Europe routes by 18%, though it also reduced available seats by 4.5%. The load factor on Europe routes was 67%, the lowest among international routes. Passengers on Honolulu route remarkably increased by 28.6%, and the load factor was 91.6%. The busiest days for departures from Japan and arrivals in Japan each was December 26 with the load factor of 87.6% and January 3 with the load factor of 89.3%.
ANA slightly reduced domestic flight passengers by 0.8% year on year to 1,407,393, providing 1,942,187 seats (unchanged). The load factor was 72.5%. Passengers on Hokkaido, Kansai and Chugoku/Shikoku increased. Despite an increase in available seats on the Okinawa route, passengers reduced by 5.0%. The busiest days for down-flights and up-flights each was December 29 with the load factor of 94.3% and January 3 with the load factor of 97.0%.
In Japanese