The TripAdvisor’s survey on smart phone traveler, who is a traveler using smart phone for travel scheduling and booking, finds that both Thailand and China are top countries (65%) in the smart phone traveler ratio, followed by Brazil and Indonesia (59%). Japan is ranked the 13th at 38% among 32 countries subject to the survey.
The followings are top 15 countries in the smart phone traveler ratios:
1 Thailand (65%)
1 China (65%)
3 Brazil (59%)
3 Indonesia (59%)
5 Malaysia (53%)
6 Spain (52%)
7 Italy (49%)
8 U.S.A. (48%)
9 India (47%)
9 Australia (47%)
11 Russia (44%)
11 U.K. (44%)
13 Japan (38%)
13 Germany (38%)
15 France (28%)
The survey to accommodation providers shows that the top country in the online booking environment is Russia (84%), followed by China and Thailand (80% respectively). Japan is ranked 3rd at 71%. The top country in the availability of mobile app for booking is China (48%), followed by Indonesia (30%) and Japan (23%). Japan, however, is the lowest in the availability of website applicable to mobile device at 11%, far away from the world average of 46%. TripAdvisor says that Japan should address mobile services for smart phone travelers from Asia.
The following table shows online booking environment prepared by accommodation providers by country.

Another survey to travel experiences finds that the top booking channel for accommodation is online (67%), followed by offline (25%) and mobile app (8%). The ratio of mobile app doubled from the last year’s result. Among online channels, notebook PC is top at 49%, followed by desktop PC (38%), smart phone (6%) and tablet (5%).
The following table shows the latest booking channels for accommodation.

34,016 travelers and 10,261 accommodation providers in 32 countries and regions (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, the West Indies, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, U.K. and U.S.A.) are subject to the survey.
In Japanese