ADARA, a data analyzer of online-booking travelers, reported that more than 60% of Japanese flight travelers & hotel guests are individuals. As shown on the graph below, 64% of travelers fly alone, 24% in couple, and 12% with their family; 61% of travelers stay alone at the hotel, 28% in couple, and 11% with their family:
Regarding travel purposes, 68% of Japanese travelers fly for leisure and 32% for business. 49% of Japanese hotel guests stay for leisure, and 51% for business. The top departure city was Tokyo (70.5%), followed by Osaka (15.9%) and Nagoya (6.3%). The top domestic destination was also Tokyo (followed by Hokkaido and Osaka) and the top overseas destination was Taiwan, followed by Hong Kong and Seoul.
Regarding travel planning, Japanese travelers spend on average 13.3 days before completing a domestic flight booking versus 6.4 days for a hotel booking. A flight is on average booked 49.5 days before departure.
According to ADARA's analysis, the time spent on flight and hotel bookings is shorter for an overseas travel than for a domestic travel because destinations tend to be fixed earlier in an overseas booking process.
Finally, the average lodging cost varies slightly with the travel purpose: 22,500 JPY for leisure versus 21,735 JPY for business.