EVOLABLE ASIA, a rapidly growing Japanese OTA, has signed a stock transfer basic agreement with DeNA to own DeNA TRAVEL, a subsidiary of DeNA, as a 100% subsidiary at about 1.2 billion JPY.
EVOLABLE ASIA develops the OTA business focusing on domestic air ticket distribution with annual sales of about 70 billion JPY. DeNA TRAVEL has business strength in international air ticket distribution with annual sales of about 70 billion JPY. With the business integration, EVOLABLE ASIA aims at annual sales of 200 billion JPY, expecting synergy effects in cross selling to respective registered members, branding enhancement, human resource supplement, reduction of purchase cost and reduction of development cost.
Today EVOLABLE ASIA has 520,000 members for Air-Tori, a domestic air ticket meta-search, and 1,273 contracted companies, while DeNA TRAVEL has 2.02 million consumer members and 1,388 contracted companies.
After the integration, the brand name of DeNA TRAVEL will disappear, however both of the existing websites will remain.