JTB has forecasted that Japanese overseas travelers in this coming summer holiday period (July 15 to August 31 2018) may increase by 4.1% year on year to record-high 2.83 million. Including domestic travelers, the total is expected to increase by 0.1% to 77.43 million.
Travel consumption is estimated at 3,144 billion JPY (-0.2%) in total, which may consist of 607.4 billion JPY for overseas travels (+3.6%) and 2,536.5 billion JPY for domestic travels (-1.2%). The average travel budgets are 34,000 JPY a traveler for domestic travel (-1.2%) and 214,500 JPY a traveler for overseas travel (-0.7%).
The survey also finds that the ratio of people who want to spend more than before is 14.4%, 3.8 lower points than a year ago, while the ratio of spending less is 27.5%, 3.3 higher points than a year ago. Regarding income, the ratios are 21.3% for decrease (-2.0 points) and 15.8% for increase (+0.6 points). It is noteworthy that the ratio of people who save money due to unclear future is 43.3%, 1.3 higher points than a year ago.
Based on the JTB overseas package tour booking status, the busiest days for departures will be August 11 and 12. Despite the Kilauea eruption in Hawaii Island, bookings for Hawaii were up 5% as of the survey date. The estimated overseas travelers by destination are as follows:
The busiest day for departures to domestic travels will be in between August 11 and 15, according to the JTB package tour booking status. JTB has received more bookings for Okinawa, Tohoku and Hokuriku.
Regarding length of travel, the ratio of one-night trip is up 2.2 points, while the ratio of three days and two nights down 2.8 points. Regarding travel expenses, the largest share is 22.7% for 20,000 JPY to 30,000 JPY, followed by 10,000 JPY to 20,000 JPY.
The followings are forecasted domestic travelers by region: