Kyoto City Tourism Association or DMO KYOTO announced that Japanese guests in 100 hotels in Kyoto City were up 30.4% in August 2021 compared to a year ago despite the fourth declaration of a state of emergency was issued to Kyoto Prefecture. Compared to two years ago, the monthly result was still down 20.6%.
The occupancy rate was up 3.4 points year on year to 26.8% overall, but down 56.6 points from 83.3% two years ago, which was lower than the rate in other major cities. The occupancy rate of ryokan was 9.0% only, 6.9 points lower than a year ago or 14.5 points lower than the previous month, because of many cancellations or postponements of group travels including school trips under the emergency declaration.
The average room unit price was 9,030 JPY, 14.3% less than 10,593 JPY a year ago.
DMO KYOTO has foreseen that the occupancy rate will rise to 22.7% or maybe much higher in November, the autumn leaves month, due to ease of travel restriction between prefectures. Room prices from October to November are higher on almost all days than a year ago.