The H.I.S. booking status of overseas travel in the late summer from late August to September 2016 shows that the most popular destinations were Seoul for short-haul travel and Honolulu for middle or long-haul travel in the same manner as a year ago. Cebu moved upward to 5th from 6th a year ago in the short-haul category, and Cairns to 5th from 10th a year ago in the middle or long-haul category.
The highest growth rate was found in Queenstown of New Zealand (+291%), followed by Casablanca of Morocco (+221%) and Habana of Cuba (+220%).
H.I.S. said that the outbound travel market is boosted particularly by zero fuel surcharges, stronger Yen and extension of LCC network to Asia.
The top five destinations by category are as follows (ranking a year ago in parentheses):
Short-haul travel
1. Seoul (1)
2. Taipei (2)
3. Guam (3)
4. Hong Kong (4)
5. Cebu (6)
Middle or long-haul travel
1. Honolulu (1)
2. Bali (4)
3. Bangkok (2)
4. Singapore (3)
5. Cairns (10)
The growth rate
1. Queenstown (+291%)
2. Casablanca (+221%)
3. Habana (+220%)
4. Reykjav?k (+210%)
5. Stockholm (+181%)
In Japanese