The latest Teikoku Databank’s survey on labor trend finds that the ratio of hotels and ryokans with shortage of full-time labors was 57.6%, 11.2 higher points than the last survey in July last year. Also, the ratio of those with shortage of part-time labors was 59.4%, 11.3 higher points than the last survey. The shortage category included very short, short and short to a certain extent.
By industry, the most serious situation in shortage of full-time labors was found in broadcasting service companies (66.7%), followed by information service providers (66.5%), pharmacy and daily goods retailers (64%) and hotels and ryokans. In shortage of part-time labors, the worst was restaurant business (85.7%), followed by drink and food retailers (65.8%) and hotels and ryokans.
The table below shows top 10 industries in shortage of labors:

Over all industries, the ratio of shortage of full-time labors was 39.5% (3.3 higher points than the last survey), and part-time labors 26.2% (1.7 higher points than the last survey). The ratio of industries with the appropriate number of full-time labors was 48.1% ‘2.4 lower points than the last survey), and part-time labors 64.6% (0.9 lower points than the last survey).
The labor shortage trend depends on a company’s scale, and one to three companies with 300 employees or more suffers from labor shortage, according to Teikoku Databank.
The survey was conducted to 10,519 companies nationwide.
In Japanese