The latest KAYAK’s survey finds that 62% of Japanese users emphasize ‘price’ when they decide a travel destination. The ratio was much higher than for a ‘safe environment’ (42%), which seemed to be a major element for Japanese travelers to decide travel destinations. 'Safe environment' was rated even lower than ‘moving/exciting culture’ (48%).
KAYAK conducted this survey on 'travel addicts' (the more one travels, the more one wants to travel) among 2,100 users from 21 to 25 years old in APAC. In addition to the usual influences on travel search (e.g. interests or prices), this survey analyzed behaviors related to comprehensive travel. As a result, KAYAK discovered and announced trends unique to Japanese travelers.
The following figures show how Japanese travelers emphasize prices:
* 44% compare prices on multiple websites at the same time when planning a trip.
* 42% check at least three booking sites when booking air tickets.
* 38% check at least three booking sites when booking hotel rooms.
* 41% check the price of air tickets and hotel rooms every day before booking.
* 17% book several hotels without cancellation fee and choose only one of them later.
Regarding the timing of bookings, 51% of Japanese travelers book their trip when they dine with relatives or friends; the ratio is higher than in other Asian countries. Interestingly, 49% book a trip when watching a travel program on TV or seeing travel stories online.
The countries/regions with the highest ratios of people booking trips while at work were Hong Kong (48%), India (45%) and Singapore (38%). In Japan, it was only 18%; 7% of Japanese college student users booked their trips during boring classes.
The survey was conducted from 02 to 11 October 2017, targeting KAYAK users in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan who booked an air ticket or a hotel during the preceding six months.