WIT Japan & North Asia 2017 will be held in Tokyo on June 8th and 9th, joined by many key persons in online travel businesses. The main conference will start with a keynote speech by Shinichi Inoue, Peach Aviation CEO, followed by a speech on state of Japan inbound by Akiko Yoshida, Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) Executive Vice President.
One of notable sessions is ‘Reimagining the Samurai Spirit’ focusing on how online travel key players of Japan reimagine themselves to break the wall and expand their businesses globally, discussed by
Yoshiyuki Takano, Deputy Managing Director, Travel Business, Rakuten
Kenichiro Miyamoto, Executive Manager, Recruit Lifestyle Co Ltd
Jun Sakaki, CEO, Ikyu
Takaya Shinozuka, Founder & CEO, Relux
Takahiro Oono, General Manager, KDDI Corporation
Ken Mishima, Vice President, E-commerce Strategy, i.JTB
In addition, a variety of sessions, such as hotel management, airline marketing, vacation rental, relation between travel industry and AI or the Chinese market, will be prepared. Kathleen Tan, currently Air Asia China President and former Air Asia Expedia CEO, will also talk about her business strategy in Asia.
For bootcamp on the first day, Start-up Pitch by start-ups in Asia will be held as usual, and the current state of start-ups in Japan and Korea will also be reported.
Travel Voice will report details of WIT Asia & North Asia 2017 as an official premium media partner.