Yahoo Data Solution Service will launch a new BtoB tool ‘DS. INSIGHT Trend’ as a new function on ‘DS,. INSIGHT,’ a browser-based research and analysis tool on big data from Yahoo!JAPAN. ‘Trend’ is to visualize rising topics or trends from about 9 billion sorts of searched keywords a year and GPS data from about approved 10 million users.
‘Trend’ is one of the basic function on ‘DS,. INSIGHT’ in addition to existing ‘People’ to visualize people’s interests from search data and ‘Place’ to visualize demographics in a particular area from GPS data.
On top of the three basic function, DS. INSIGHT offers ‘Persona’ as an option to visualize personal images in lifestyles from behavior data.
‘Trend’ extracts updated trends from about 9 billion sorts of search keywords a year and makes possible to detect both one year-long trends and buzz words in the previous day. Also, keyword classification by AI enables a user to grasp trends by particular area.
‘Rising topics’ and ‘the next-coming trends’ can be overviewed as a trend map, and they can be depicted on a ranking format. A mailing report function to deliver trends in a particular area is also available.
What are the next-coning travel trends?
‘DS. INSIGHT Trend’ reveals 10 next-coming topics. One of them is ‘Shimose Museum’ in Otake City, Hiroshima Prefecture, which has been searched more by 40s to 50s females since February 2023.
Also, as searches on traveling in South Korea have increased, Yahoo defines the trend as ‘revenge travel to South Korea’ after the pandemic.
Another travel-related trend is ‘Asagiri Camp Base Sorairo’ in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, which has been searched even before it opened in July this year.