Dentsu reported that digital ad spending in Japan were up 2.2% to 6.53 trillion JPY in total in 2018, increasing year on year for seven years in a row. The total to GDP accounted for 1.19%.
Out of the total, ad spending on newspapers, magazines, radios and TV were down 3.3% to 2.7 trillion JPY (a share of 41.4%), while ad spending on internet were up 16.5% to 1.8 trillion JPY (a share of 26.9%). As spending on outside and transportation were down 0.9% to 2.1 trillion JPY (a share of 31.7%).
As movie ad on SNS and digital ad originated from major mass media ad expand, digital ad spending resulted in year-on-year growths for five years in a row and came close to 1.8 trillion JPY on terrestrial TV.
Among four major mass media, ad spending on TV including terrestrial TV and satellite TV totaled 1.9 trillion JPY, followed by 478.4 billion JPY on newspaper, 184.1 billion yen on magazine and 147.8 billion yen on radio. Ad spending on all of the media resulted in year-on-year reductions.
By industry, ad spending for the transportation and leisure industry were down 3.2% to 1,947 billion JPY (a share of 5.4%). Ad spending for the industry on the four major mass media consisted of 76.3 billion JPY on newspaper (-5.9%), 16.1 billion JPY on magazine (-6.2%), 9.6 billion JPY on radio (+3.8%) and 92.7 billion yen on terrestrial TV (-1.0%).