ANA NEO, an ANA Group company for digital solution, has launched a virtual trip platform app ‘ANA GranWhale,’ where a user as an avatar can enjoy virtual travel space ‘V-TRIP’ and a virtual shopping space ‘Sky Mall.’ Mainly targeting about 40 million ANA Mileage Club members in the world, ANA NEO aims to create a virtual community and build ‘Sky Village,’ where a variety of daily life services, such as education, medical care or government can be provided.
Ahead of the official launch in Japan, ANA NEO has tested the platform in Asia since June 2023 and has am ambition to extend the service to U.S. or Europe in the future.
“We are pursuing ways to connect in real life rather than closing things virtually,” Mitsuo Tomita, ANA NEO CEO said. “The virtual trip does not degrade the value of real trips. Virtual trip rather induces real trips.”
ANA GranWhale will have functions to link with hotel booking at a destination visited on V-TRIP and to develop campaigns connecting virtual with real in order to contribute to local revitalization.
“The ANA Group is expanding a life value business as a non-aviation business,” Yoshiaki Tsuda, ANA Holdings Executive Office said. “We want to evolve ANA GranWhale as an entrance to an ANA economic zone.”
Specific revenue points are expected to include the purchase of "V miles" in the virtual space or exchange with ANA miles, and advertising expenses from companies operating stores.
Tomita said that what they are trying first is an increase in downloads and extension of times to stay. Tsuda said that ANA GranWhale aims to acquire 1 million users for the next two years, which can be achieved another new app ‘ANA Pocket.’
ANA GranWhaleローンチ発表会見で(左から)津田氏、冨田氏。
Using real miles on virtual spaces
ANA GranWhale's main content consists of three parts: ‘V-TRIP/Sky Mall,’ ‘Communication’ and ‘Earn/Use Miles.’
V-TRIP have 61 locations in Japan and 3 locations overseas at launch, and partners include Kyoto Prefecture/Kyoto City, Hokkaido, Okinawa Prefecture, Kanazawa City, Wakayama Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture, as well as facilities such as Hoshino Resorts Risonare Tomamu and Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, and California Tourism Board, Tourism Catalonia (Spain), Tourism Authority of Thailand, and Tourism Australia as overseas destinations.
“We want to increase overseas destinations to promote outbound travels by Japanese people,” Tomita said.
One of the features of V-TRIP is that special guides are available for a destination to visit. At Nijo Castle and Gion Shinbashi in Kyoto, for instance, well-known historian Michifumi Isoda welcomes visitors. In addition, V-TRIP features the high precision of graphics, pursuing the reality of the journey.
Photos taken at the destination can be saved in an album within ANA GranWhale, and can also be posted on other SNS. It also has a multiplayer function where groups of up to four people can participate at the same time and can communicate each other with chat.
“For users in foreign countries, ANA GranWhale will be a good opportunity to know about attractions of Japan,” Tomita said. As of today, English and traditional Chinese in addition to Japanese are available.
Sky Mall is joined by 10 stores in the beginning, including Mizuno, Lacoste, Journal Standard, Ships, Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ and Sekisui House as well as ANA Group stores, such as ANA FESTA. On the virtual stores, a user can purchase products via EC and digital items for avatars.
AMC members can exchange "V miles" that can be used within ANA GranWhale at a rate of 1 mile = 1 V mile. When you collect "Grand Chips" in the virtual space, they can draw "Mile Gacha" where they can earn ANA miles, and at the Grand Chip exchange office, they can exchange them for various costumes and items that can be used within the app.