‘Climbing restrictions for Mt.Fuji’ by Yamanashi Prefecture resulted in a 20% decrease in climbers this summer with no days exceeding the daily limit

Yamanashi Prefecture announced the results from the Mt.Fuji climbing restrictions on Fuji Yoshida Route this summer. To avoid a serious over-tourism issue around the summit and improve manner violation, the prefecture charged 2000 yen a climber for the first time in the period between July 1 and September 10.

In addition, the entry gate was closed from 4:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m next day, and the number of climbers a day was limited to 4,000 max. 

According to the prefecture, the number of climbers for the period was down 18% year on year to 125,287, and climbers in the night were down 95.1% to 708. There were no days exceeding the daily limit of 4,000 climbers. Also, rescue requests were down 41.3% to 27 cases. 

The nuisance behavior of foreign climbers, such as sleeping on mountain trails and lingering in front of the mountain huts, which was seen in 2023, were sometimes seen in the beginning of the season, but complains from the mountain huts were not confirmed after the middle of July. 

On the other hand, the prefecture has confirmed that there were several issues, such as  so-called ‘bullet climbers,’ who pass the gate right before the close time and climb to the summit without staying in a hut, or climbers without climbing shoes and clothes. 

Yamanashi Governor Kotaro Nagasaki said at a news conference that it is essential that the unified rules with Shizuoka Prefecture should be made as much as possible. 

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