Nielsen Digital's "Digital Trends in the First Half of 2017"reveals that the number of Japanese Internet users on smart phones increased by 11% year-on-year, reaching 61.9 million users in April-June 2017. Although the growth rate is going down every year since 2014, the number of Japanese Internet users on smart phones is now similar to the number of Internet users on PC (61.3 million) during the peak of 2011.
The graph below shows the evolution of the number of Japanese Internet users on PC and smart phones:
As shown on the graph below, the most used Internet device is the smart phone for all generations up to the 50s. Beyond, the PC becomes the main device:
Regarding the SNS apps frequently used by young students and workers below 29 years old, female students mostly use Twitter & Instagram, 29% of female workers commonly use 3 SNS (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), and male workers use twice as often the 3 SNS than the male students (22% vs 9%).