The latest market trend survey on mobile cashless payment in Japan, announced by ICT Research & Consulting, finds that active electric payment users on mobile phone apps were up 29.6% year on year to 11.57 million in 2019. QR payment users particularly increased by 173.8% to 5.12 million and are expected to increase to about 20 million by the end of 2021.
The graph below illustrates forecasts of cashless payment users on mobile phone apps.
Payment methods by amount of money in 2018 are illustrated on the graph below. For payment of small money from 1,000 JPY to 3,000 JPY, the top is cash (71.6%), followed by credit card (43.6%), card-based electric money (17.7%) and electric money on mobile phone apps (9.2%). For payment of bigger money from 10,000 JPY to 30,000 JPY, the top is credit card (68.3%), followed by cash (44.7%), card-based electric money (5.1%) and debit card (4.4%).
By age, 40’s is the top in payment of small money on electric money on mobile phone apps (14.3%), and 20’s in QR payment (7.3%).
The most-used mobile electric money is Suica, followed by Rakuten Edy, nanaco, WAON and iD. The most-used QR payment is Rakuten Pay, followed by Pay Pay, LINE Pay and d pay.