JTB Report 2016, which complies the Japanese overseas travel market in 2015 by JTB Tourism Research & Consulting, finds that the combined ratio of ‘don’t want to go abroad too much’ and ‘never want to go abroad’ dropped 37.3% a year earlier to 29.4%. The trend was found for the first time in the past seven years. The market is boosted by several positive factors, such as zero fuel surcharges or strong yen trend, according to the report.
Travel motivations were high in a wide variety of ages and sex. The combined ratio of unmarried women who answered ‘having a plan to go abroad within a year’ and ‘no plan at this moment, but want to go abroad’ was 45.8% Including ‘want to go abroad if possible’ the ratio reached 80.4%.
Regarding booking channel, the ratio of online was up 1.4 points year on year to record-high 62.2%, while the ratio of real retailer was down 1.2 points to 16%, and mail order or phone order down 1.3% to 8.8%.
It is also noteworthy that the ratio of traveling alone was record-high 23.6% in 2015. Compared to the previous year, traveling alone by female students increased, while traveling with family or friends decreased. At the same time, traveling alone by seniors increased.
In Japanese