Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization announced that 90.2% of all international visitors to Kyushu entered Kyushu from airports and seaports in Kyushu in the year from October 2016 to September 2017. The result was based on big data of Mobile Spatial Statistics provided by NTT docomo.
Majority of visitors from Europe, U.S.A. and Australia entered Kyushu from airports outside of Kyushu because of no direct flight services between Kyushu and the countries.
The average length of stays in Kyushu was 3.8 days. Visitors from Europe or U.S.A. stayed longer than those from Asia, like 5.90 days of visitors from France or 5.82 days of visitors from Germany. The estimation finds that visitors from Europe, U.S.A. and Australia stayed in Kyushu for one-third days of their traveling over Japan, and visitors from Asia for more than half of their traveling over Japan.
Visitors traveled 1.8 prefectures in Kyushu on average, and visitors from Taiwan and Hong Kong traveled 2 or more prefectures and four cities on average. In reverse, The research finds that visitors from Europe, U.S.A. and Australia tended to stay in one prefecture for a longer time.
The total of guest nights was 8.36 million in the research period. Out of the total, guest nights in hotels or ryokans controlled under the Hotel Business Act were 7 million, while those in home sharing or friends’ houses were 1.36 million, out of which home sharing guest nights were estimated at 739,000.
Taking advantage of the research data, Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization aims to achieve its strategic goal of tourism spending in Kyushu of 4 trillion JPY in 2023.