The latest Yano Research’s survey on C2C dealings in Japan in FY2016 finds that the market scale of travel and home sharing (minpaku) amounted to 42.6 billion JPY on a contract basis, ten times more dealings than 4.5 billion JPY for space sharing. The market solution provider has estimated that the market scale may finally increase to 84 billion JPY in FY2017.
The C2C market scale of goods sales including fashion goods, home electronics, used cars or hand-made crafts amounted to 656.8 billion JPY in FY2016 and is expected to increase to 995 billion JPY in FY2017 on a distribution basis.
In the service industry, the C2C market is boosted by more dealings and an increase in startups in the business fields of property or space because of higher demand than before.
The graph below shows C2C dealings in the service industry on a contract basis in FY2016 and FY2017 (estimation):
The graph below shows C2C market scale of goods sales in FY2016 and FY2017 (estimation):