Council for the Development of a Tourism Vision to Support the Future of Japan, held by Prime Minister and His Cabinet, drew up 'Tourism Vision to support the future Japan' on March 30 to set new goals of 40 million international visitors in 2020 and 60 million international visitors in 2030, which double the initial goals of 20 million in 2020 and 30 million in 2030. Placing tourism as the trump card for local revitalization and the engine for growth toward a GDP of 600 trillion yen. Japan is accelerating the efforts to evolve tourism to a core industry of Japan for the future advanced tourism country.
In addition, the Vision calls for goals of international visitors' spending of 8 trillion yen in 2020 and 15 trillion yen in 2030, total international guests of 70 million guest nights in 2020 and 130 million guest nights in local regions (except Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya), international regular visitors of 24 million in 2020 and 36 million in 2030, Japanese spending in travel in Japan of 2.1 trillion yen in 2020 and 2.2 trillion yen in 2030.
To become an advanced tourism country, the Vision sets up ten reforms in three viewpoints.
Viewpoint 1: To master tourism resources for local revitalization
Reform 1: Open of attractive public facilities to the public
The Akasaka Palace State Guest House will open through a year from April 19 2016, and the Kyoto State Guest House will open through a year from late July this year.
Reform 2: To use cultural treasures as tourism resources rather than preservation
Two hundred tourism bases with the cultural treasures are developed by 2020, and multi-languages services for the cultural treasures are offered.
Reform 3: To establish world-class National Parks
Five national parks are improved to experienced-typed area by 2020, separating preservation areas from tourism areas.
Reform 4: To develop beautiful streetscapes
Streetscape Plans are drawn up by all prefectures and half of local governments, which are supported by special teams.
Viewpoint 2: To evolve tourism to a core industry by reforming the tourism industry and improving international competitiveness
Reform 5: To improve productivity of the tourism industry
The 60 years old rules or systems for translation guide, land operator or travel company are drastically revised, and development of vacation rental rules, improvement of hotel and ryokan productivity and training of management human resources are supported by the government.
Reform 6: To exploit new markets and to realize long-stay and expansion of local spending
Promotions targeting luxury travelers, strategic ease of visa rules, attraction of MICE and reception of more business jets are developed.
Reform 7: To revitalize exhausted local cities and hot spring towns by new management with future ideas
Hundred DMOs will be developed nationwide by 2020, and sustainable tourism towns are realized by power of private sectors.
Viewpoint 3: To improve soft infrastructures for the world' best comfortable travel
Reform 8: Smoother immigration procedures, stress-free communication systems and transportations, cashless tourism and universal designs are realized.
Reform 9: To encourage international travelers to local regions comfortably
Japan Rail Pass can be purchased not only before visiting Japan but also after arriving Japan.
Reform 10: To encourage Japanese to take holidays more easily
The government is trying to raise the acquisition rate of paid holidays to 70% by 2020 from
47.9% in 2014, and encourage industries to decentralize holiday periods.