The awareness survey on information gathering, conducted on BWRITE, a information website for females, finds that the most frequently used digital device for private information gathering was PC (73.9%), followed by smart phone (62.2%) and TV (55.6%). Among 20’s or younger, it was smart phone (85%), followed by TV (70%) and PC (45%).

On smart phone, the most popular information gathering way was search site (65.2%), followed by official site/app (45.5%), blog and Facebook (41.1% each). Among 20’s or younger, the top was Twitter (64.7%).

The most popular news source was TV (79.4%), followed by PC (53.9%) and smart phone (49.4%). The ratio of smart phone was higher among lower females. On smart phone, the most popular news source was portal site/app (55.1%), however the ratio dropped to 38.5% among 20’s or younger, followed by the ratio of Twitter or official account on LINE NEWS (30.8%).
ADDI, operating BWRITE, said that Twitter or LINE is preferred by females because it is possible to receive information from reliable and specific accounts only.
The survey was conducted to 180 18 years old or older female members of cloud sourcing service Skets in the period from March 17 to 25 2016.
In Japanese