‘Sustainable shopping behavior survey,’ conducted by Hakuhodo to 4,125 16 to 65 years old males and females in Japan, finds that the awareness ratio of SDGs contents rose to 29.8%, about 20 points higher than 2019, and including ‘I have heard the name of SDGs,’ the ratio was more than half.
By generation, the ratio of respondents who know SDGs contents was 47.5% among 10s (16 to 19 years old) and 37.4% among 20s.
Looking at shopping behavior, more than 70% of 10s to 30s females answered that they give or sell unwanted items, and about 50% of 10s and 20s males said that they buy used items. Also, the ratios of respondents who share or borrow new items were 30% to 40% among 10s and 20s males and females.
Higher ratios were found among young generations for bringing an ecology bag for shopping, recycling or reduction of plastic wastes. Interestingly, about 40% of 10s and 20s males and 10s females said that they want to work for companies tackling social issues.
Respondents who think ‘we have to address social or environmental issues right now, and otherwise it is too late’ accounted for 65.9% of the total, particularly high among 50s and 60s females with more than 70%.
The survey shows that young generations are more active in sharing of postings on social issues on SNS or in participating in crowd-funding for solutions.