International visitors to Japan exceeded 3 million in May 2024 for three consecutive months, with record-high in 19 source markets

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) announced that the number of international visitors to Japan in May 2024 was up 9.6% to record-high 3,040,100 for May compared to the same month of 2019, representing more than 3 million visitors for three consecutive months. 

The largest source market was South Korea with 738,800 visitors (up 22.4% over 2019), followed by China with 545,400 (down 27.9%), Taiwan with 466,000 visitors (up 9.3%), U.S. with 247,000 visitors (up 57.4%) and Hong Kong with 217,500 visitors (up 15.1%). 

Visitors from 19 out of 23 core source markets were record-high for May, such as South Korea, Singapore with 62,700 visitors and Canada with 55,800 visitors, and visitors from India reached record-high 29,100 on a single month basis. JNTO analyzed that demands were high in Singapore or Malaysia due to school holiday periods and in India due to large scale of incentive tours. 

According to OAG, international flights arriving in six major airports in Japan (Narita, Haneda, Kansai, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Sapporo) in May  2024 decreased by 8.9% to 20,168 and available seats by 6.7% to 4,713,238 compared to May 2019. 

Haneda handled 29.6% more flights (4,674) and 23.7% more available seats (1,151,164 than May 2019. Fukuoka also increased flights by 10.9% to 1,948 and available seats by 17% to 417,065.

The following graph shows international arrivals by month and by source market.




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