The Japanese government decided at the cabinet meeting on March 10 2020 to use an extra budget of 3,572 million JPY for Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) for stopping tourist demand reduction and developing environment for the future recovery.
The extra budget will be used for delivery of right information on the situation of Japan to the world through Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) at 1,070 million JPY, creation of attractive tourist contents at 680 million JPY and an emergency package to develop environment for receipt of international visitors at 1,885 million JPY.
JNTO is delivering right information, such as the governmental countermeasures against the novel coronavirus, immigration restrictions, a 24-hours multi-languages call center and also what should do for public health.
Regarding today as a running-up period for the future recovery, JTA is trying to consolidate the tourism industry bases including capital investments to barrier-free development or cashless payment in tourist destinations.