The latest survey on usage of smartphone and travel spending in Japan, conducted by JTB Tourism Research & Consulting on November 2 and 3 2023, finds that Japanese people use ‘message or chat’ more frequently than ‘telephone or mail’ as a communication tool.
As a news source, Internet news decreased, while the ratios of using ‘buzz words’ or ‘reposting from friends’ increased in comparison to the previous survey in 2019. The survey results show that SNS is widely used not only for consumption-related information but also for news or current affairs.
‘Map app’ is used more widely than before
The most popular SNS was ‘LINE,’ followed by ‘YouTube,’ ‘Instagram’ and ‘X.’ the usage rates of ‘Instagram’ and ‘TikTok’ rose 10 point or higher compared to the previous survey, while the usage rate of ‘Facebook’ was don 10 points or higher.
The top app people want to continue using is ‘search engine,’ with 'map app’ coming in second place. The survey illustrates that 'map app’ is used not only for route navigation but also for finding restaurants near your current location and word-of-mouths.
Regarding smartphone game, 45.8% have experienced change of daily behaviors, such as taking a detour, to continue playing a game, and the rates are particularly high for 30s men at 72.7% and for 29 years old or younger at 63.3%. Also, experiences of e-sports were high among 29 years old or younger and 30s men.
AI is used more during traveling
The ratio of people who booked or purchased travel-related products on a smartphone rose 10% nearly, and a smartphone is more used for purchasing any kinds of tickets.
Smartphone users to experience AI services increased from 30.7% in 2019 to 43.2%, and they particularly tended to use AI services during traveling, such as translation or lens search.
Major reasons for using AI services were ‘They tell me what they don’t know during traveling’ or ‘They help me in traveling alone.’ On the other hand, answers of ‘They suggest what I would not have thought of’ and ‘They help me in making a plan or booking a product.’