Tag: "DomesticTravel"

A Japanese bus operator develops a campaign to pay 1,000 JPY back to a vaccinated traveler

A Japanese bus operator develops a campaign to pay 1,000 JPY back to a vaccinated traveler

Heisei Enterprise, a Japanese sightseeing bus operator, will launch a campaign to pay 1,000 JPY back to a completely vaccinated traveler.
Japanese guest nights in March 2021 were up 18% over a year ago, but remained half over two years ago

Japanese guest nights in March 2021 were up 18% over a year ago, but remained half over two years ago

The number of Japanese guest nights was up 18.2% to 26.9 million in March 2021 compared to March 2020, and the average occupancy rate was 34.3%, improving from 26.9% in February.
Domestic travelers in Japan are expected to double to 9.5 million in this year’s Golden Week, but to remain a 60% reduction over 2019

Domestic travelers in Japan are expected to double to 9.5 million in this year’s Golden Week, but to remain a 60% reduction over 2019

Domestic travelers are expected to reach 9.5 million in this year’s Golden Week period between April 25 and May 5, about 1.9 times more travelers than a year ago, and travel consumption is expected to amount to 306.9 billion JPY in total, about 2.1 times more consumption than a year ago.
JTB survey shows only 10% of Japanese people have plan to travel in Golden Week holiday season

JTB survey shows only 10% of Japanese people have plan to travel in Golden Week holiday season

JTB survey shows that the ratio of Japanese people who have plans to travel in a week-long Golden Week season of 2021 is only 10.3%. Many people answered that they will cancel their planning travels when declaration of a state of emergency is issued.
JTB opens a Workcation information website to connect corporations with local communities

JTB opens a Workcation information website to connect corporations with local communities

JTB opened a Workcation information website for corporations to connect about 35,000 partner companies with 555 local governments nationwide, proposing a variety of Workcation trials for corporations.
JTB survey shows traveling with married couples or partners and traveling alone have increased in pandemic Japan

JTB survey shows traveling with married couples or partners and traveling alone have increased in pandemic Japan

JTB survey shows the ratio of ‘married couples or partners’ as a traveling company was up 4.4 points to 33.1% in 2020, and also the ratio of ‘traveling alone’ up 3.9% to 17.1% in the pandemic.
JTB survey shows willingness to travel in Japan has rapidly increased among young females

JTB survey shows willingness to travel in Japan has rapidly increased among young females

JTB survey shows that more answers of ‘I am willing to travel in Japan more than before' were found among females than among males, and the ratio of 20s and 30s females was particularly higher than any other age and sex segments.
JTB and three partners create order-made Workcation plans for a private sector

JTB and three partners create order-made Workcation plans for a private sector

JTB, Snow Peak Business Solutions, JAL and Mitsubishi Estate will create order-made Workcation Plan to solve corporate challenges, assigning a Workcation expert.
Japanese guest nights slightly picked up in February 2021, but the low occupancy rate was still low with 27%

Japanese guest nights slightly picked up in February 2021, but the low occupancy rate was still low with 27%

Japanese guest nights was down 46% year on year to 17.6 million in February 2021 , slightly higher than a 49.7% reduction in January, and the average occupancy rate was 26.9%, improving a little from 23.4% in January.
Japanese experienced overseas travelers are aggressive about travel in Japan as well, according to the sentiment survey

Japanese experienced overseas travelers are aggressive about travel in Japan as well, according to the sentiment survey

JTB Tourism Research & Consulting's survey shows that Japanese who experienced overseas travelers in 2019 traveled in Japan in 2020 more frequently than those who experienced domestic travel only in 2019.
Airbnb is willing to contribute to creation of ‘engaged travelers’ in Japan, trying to increase Japanese guests

Airbnb is willing to contribute to creation of ‘engaged travelers’ in Japan, trying to increase Japanese guests

Airbnb County Manager Japan Yasuyuki Tanabe talked about 'relationship travelers' in Japan, which are expected to increase Airbnb guests, and also explained the latest awareness survey on Japanese minds to restart traveling.
32 governors, two-third of all 47, request restart of ‘Go To Travel,’ claiming tourism is essential for local economy

32 governors, two-third of all 47, request restart of ‘Go To Travel,’ claiming tourism is essential for local economy

Governors of 32 prefectures, two-third of all 47 prefectures, jointly requested gradual restart of ‘Go To Travel' in low-infection prefectures first and extension of the term beyond originally the end of June this year to boost local economy.
Closed accommodations outnumbered opened accommodations in Kyoto City through 2020 amid the pandemic

Closed accommodations outnumbered opened accommodations in Kyoto City through 2020 amid the pandemic

The total number of Japanese guests in major hotels in Kyoto City was down 32.5% year on year in 2020. New 518 hotels opened, while 580 hotels closed through 2020. The total number of hotels in Kyoto City decreased year on year for the first time since 2015.
Mitsui’s managing hotels in Japan sell a subscription service to choose a hotel or a room you like on a monthly basis

Mitsui’s managing hotels in Japan sell a subscription service to choose a hotel or a room you like on a monthly basis

Mitsui Fudosan and Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management will launch a subscription service for three hotel brands in Japan to choose a hotel or a room you like on a monthly basis.
Domestic travel consumption of Japanese travelers halved to 9.9 trillion JPY in 2020, and travel expenditure a traveler were also down

Domestic travel consumption of Japanese travelers halved to 9.9 trillion JPY in 2020, and travel expenditure a traveler were also down

Domestic travel consumption by Japanese travelers was down 46.5% year on year to 2,694 billion JPY in the fourth quarter of 2020 (October to December 2020), and the yearly total accordingly decreased by 54.9% to 9,898 billion JPY. Travel expenditure was down 9.2% to 33,925 JPY a traveler a trip in 2020.
Keys to choose accommodation are ‘like staying home,’ ‘dining in a private room’ and ‘chartered bath’ among Japanese travelers

Keys to choose accommodation are ‘like staying home,’ ‘dining in a private room’ and ‘chartered bath’ among Japanese travelers

JTB Tourism Research & Consulting's survey shows that keys to choose accommodation is ‘thorough hygiene,' ‘dining a private room,' and ‘chartered bath,' all of which are to avoid close contact with others like staying home.
Guest nights in Japan worsened to a 38% reduction with the occupancy rate of lower than 40% in December 2020

Guest nights in Japan worsened to a 38% reduction with the occupancy rate of lower than 40% in December 2020

The total number of Japanese guest nights was down 24.4% year on year to 28.7 million, dropping from a 16.1% reduction in November 2020 obviously because the Japanese domestic travel recovery program ‘Go To Travel’ has been suspended nationwide.
Japanese domestic recovery program ‘Go To Travel’ users reached 82.8 million guest night in total with a budget of 484 billion JPY

Japanese domestic recovery program ‘Go To Travel’ users reached 82.8 million guest night in total with a budget of 484 billion JPY

users of Japanese domestic travel recovery program ‘Go To Travel’ reached about 82.8 million guest nights in total by December 15 2020, using a budget of 484.2 billion JPY at least for the program.
Japan Railway East prepares remote work environment in the bullet train ‘Shinkansen’ for business travelers

Japan Railway East prepares remote work environment in the bullet train ‘Shinkansen’ for business travelers

Japan Railway East will operate a special remote-work train car on the Tohoku Shinkansen line for business travelers, looking for a new business opportunity under new normal lifestyle.
The government declares the second state of emergency in Tokyo and three neighbor prefectures, sticking to Tokyo Olympics this summer

The government declares the second state of emergency in Tokyo and three neighbor prefectures, sticking to Tokyo Olympics this summer

The Japanese government declared the second stare of emergency in Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama on January 7 for a month until February 8, while Prime Minister Suga showed a willingness to host Tokyo Olympics this summer.