Tag: "Ranking"

The No.1 searched destination in Japan on NAVITIME is Universal Studio Japan, and event venues were more searched

The No.1 searched destination in Japan on NAVITIME is Universal Studio Japan, and event venues were more searched

According to ‘NAVITIME Spot Search Ranking 2022,' The most-searched destination was Universal Studio Japan in Osaka, surpassing Tokyo Disneyland as 2nd.
The leisure market of Japan shrank by 23% in 2021 compared to 2019, according to Leisure White Paper 2022

The leisure market of Japan shrank by 23% in 2021 compared to 2019, according to Leisure White Paper 2022

‘Leisure White Paper 2022’ in Japan says that domestic leisure travel dropped from top in 2019 to 4th in 2020 and to 6th in 2021 among major leisure activities, and travelers reduced from 33.9 million in 2020 to 32.2 million in 2021.
Jalpak wins NO.1 customer satisfaction in the travel industry, and Skymark is top in domestic long-haul transportation

Jalpak wins NO.1 customer satisfaction in the travel industry, and Skymark is top in domestic long-haul transportation

According to Japanese Customer Satisfaction Index 2022 (JCSI 2022), Jalpak won NO.1 customer satisfaction, followed by ikyu.com, Hankyu Travel, JTB and ANA Travelers in the travel industry.
The most-satisfied prefecture in domestic travel is Wakayama, rising from 8th in the previous survey

The most-satisfied prefecture in domestic travel is Wakayama, rising from 8th in the previous survey

The most-satisfied prefecture in domestic travel was Wakayama, rising from 8th in the previous survey, followed by Okinawa as 2nd and Mie as 3rd. The most-attractive prefecture for local foods was Fukui, followed by Ishikawa and Toyama.
Sales of amusement and theme parks in Japan halved in the last fiscal year

Sales of amusement and theme parks in Japan halved in the last fiscal year

sales of 167 amusement and theme parks in Japan reduced by 50.5% year on year to 425.5 billion JPY in total in FY2020. Top profitable park was Oriental Land operating Tokyo Disney Resort with sales of 146 billion JPY.
Top ‘Onsen’ prefecture in Japan is Oita with high popularity to Beppu and Yufuin, followed by Gunma with Kusatsu

Top ‘Onsen’ prefecture in Japan is Oita with high popularity to Beppu and Yufuin, followed by Gunma with Kusatsu

Jalan research finds the most-imaginable prefecture as an onsen resort is Oita with high popularity to Beppu and Yufuin, followed by Gunma with Kusatsu.
Visitors to travel and transport websites of Japan reduced by around 20% in 2020

Visitors to travel and transport websites of Japan reduced by around 20% in 2020

The top two websites in the travel and transport category were ‘jalan.net' and ‘Rakuten Travel’ in the same manner as a year ago. TripAdvisor, JR East and Yahoo! Travel were among top five, but all of them reduced visitors by around 20% compared to a year ago amid the pandemic.
Local Brand Survey 2020 for 47 prefectures in Japan: Ibaraki gets out of the bottom, while Tokyo sees the biggest reduction

Local Brand Survey 2020 for 47 prefectures in Japan: Ibaraki gets out of the bottom, while Tokyo sees the biggest reduction

The Local Brand Survey 2020 finds that Ibaraki gets out of the bottom for the first time in the past seven years, while Tokyo ranks down from 3rd last year to 4th. The biggest leap is seen in Nagano, raising the ranking from10th last year (24.8 points) to 8th (30.5 points).
 The popularity of ‘Tottori Sand Dunes’  soared as a driving domestic destination in Japan during the big autumn holiday week

The popularity of ‘Tottori Sand Dunes’ soared as a driving domestic destination in Japan during the big autumn holiday week

According to NAVITIME Japan, the most popular destination was ‘Gotemba Premium Outlet Mall’ in Shizuoka, followed by ‘Tottori Sand Dunes’ in Tottori and ‘Nikko Toshogu’ in Tochigi in big 'Sliver Week' holiday, based on driving navigation service data.
Okinawa is selected as No.1 prefecture in four theme categories of the Japan prefecture attractiveness ranking 2020

Okinawa is selected as No.1 prefecture in four theme categories of the Japan prefecture attractiveness ranking 2020

The prefecture attractiveness quotient ranking 2020 shows that Okinawa is selected as No.1 prefecture in four theme categories. No.1 local food prefecture is Ishikawa.
ANA and JAL are the most satisfied airlines for Japanese travelers, sweeping in all categories

ANA and JAL are the most satisfied airlines for Japanese travelers, sweeping in all categories

AB-ROAD Research Center survey shows that ANA and JAL sweep the passenger satisfaction in all categories as well as overall. Singapore Airlines is ranked 3rd overall, dropping from 1st last year.