Google announced that ‘domestic travel’ as keyword soared in late May this year to higher level than a year ago and two years ago, though the keyword was not searched much before the Golden Week period from late April to early May.
As the relevance search, ‘domestic travel, support’ increased maybe because the government announced Go To Travel Campaign to boost domestic travel demand. Also, ‘domestic travel, when’ increased remarkably after the Golden Week period.
In addition to ‘travel’, keywords of ‘camping’ and ‘zoo’ were searched more in May, approaching to the level a year ago. As the relevance search of ‘museum, booking’ has increased, Google has analyzed that searches about indoor facilities are increasing when New Normal guidelines are introduced.
In the meantime, searches about ‘coronavirus,’ ‘sterilization’ or ‘immunity’ reduced, but a keyword of ‘second wave’ has been more searched since May.