The latest Nielsen Digital survey finds that Japanese internet users on mobile phones were up 7% year on year to 70.09 million a month on average in the fourth quarter of 2018 (October to December), as the graph below shows.
Twitter users were up 10% to 30.53 million, and Instagram users up 23% to 22.33 million. Mobile payment users of top 11 service providers doubled to 27.04 million, boosted by 10.49 million Rakuten Pay users and 9.14 million Pay Pay users. For food delivery service, Demaekan users increased to 3.73 million, and Uber Eats to 800,000.
Tomomi Yamakoshi, Nielsen Digital Senior Analyst, commented: “The growth rate of mobile phone users for internet has recently been low. The market penetration of mobile phones reached a mature stage in 2018, so the markets of mobile payment and offline services using mobile phones, such as a food delivery service, remarkably expanded. Cross-sectional consumption behaviors on a variety of online platform will increase further.”