Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced that the market scale of e-commerce by consumers (BtoC-EC) expanded to 22.7 trillion JPY in FY2022 ending March 31 2023 from 20.7 trillion JPY a year ago, and the market scale of e-commerce between businesses (BtoB-EC) was also up to 420 trillion JPY from 372.7 trillion JPY.
The market scale of e-commerce between consumers (CtoC-EC) was estimated at 2.4 trillion JPY, 6.8% more than a year ago.
The EC rate was up 0.35 to 9.13% for BtoC-EC and 1.9 points to 37.5% for BtoB-EC.
Among BtoC-EC, the amounts were up 5.27% to 14 trillion JPY for goods, 42.43% to 6.1 trillion JPY for services and down 6.1% to 2.6 trillion JPY for digital services.
The market scale of online dealings for travel services. except business trips, was up 68% to 2.4 trillion JPY.
According to Statistics Bureau of Japan, the average annual expenditures for travel was 36,080 JPY a household in 2022, 42.1% less than 2019 but 1.9 times more than 2021.
The METI report says that the online selling ratio of travel services has risen further after the pandemic, and travel service providers tend to close real shops and to shift to online selling.
In addition, the market scale of EC for restaurants was up 33.69% to 660 billion JPY, and also tickets up 73.89% to 558 billion JPY.